Storytelling and new technologies

You know that storytelling is a strong resource to develop literacy among children. There are some authors of children storytelling, such as Michael Morpurgo, Anthony Browne or our well known Michael Rosen that we have seen in class. All of them are convinced that including storytelling in the life of children is helpful or very important for their life progress.

Of course they use new technologies when they record themselves and when they create websites. Introducing storytelling and technologies in the classroom is quite easy, but… Why not trying to make students feel like real storytellers?

Students can be part of their own projects, and combine the creation of storytelling with digital resources. This can be a great opportunity for them to express themselves, besides fomenting the creativity, supporting high order thinking skills and working on different multiple intelligences such as interpersonal.

They can record themselves, or use other digital support to record their voices and add pictures, as the example that gives the following link, in which a student made a storytelling talking about her own life: Reflection




This is taken from the website “The educational uses of digital storytelling”, created by students of the University of Houston, showing how students and teachers use this technology and create their own works.

Some of this programmes that are useful to work with students in this way are: Photo Story, Movie Maker for Windows, or iMovie for Apple MacBook.

You can see how one of these programmes works, in the following video that is a tutorial of Photo Story:

As you can see, technologies can be adapted to work with them in class, and they can give us advantages and fascinating ideas. Not only to use other types of materials, but to activate and provoke the development of the learners.

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