About Poetry

Hello everyone!
The other day we were in Literature class working on the issue of poetry. I was surprised to see that many of the videos gives great ideas for teaching poetry in some ways we are surely none accustomed.

My experience with poetry (and I think most of my colleagues) has basically been the study of famous authors, memorizing poems and even the adventure of creating a poem yourself without any help.
When we started with the activity “The island” I was very surprise with the following video:
“The Poetry Friendly Classroom: teachers on writing” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JRzbPP_66Q
This video shows you how to scaffold children when creating their own poetry: First students must complete the poem that they are given either with a paragraph or imagining what the final sentence of this poem should be, this will also help children feel like poets; the next step or activity is for students to create their own poem of a story or novel they are reading, to do this activities we will give them small tools: first words, typical structures of poetry, adjectives, etc.
Following to this activity we had another one where we were taught several resources to guide our students when writing a poem. One of those resources was thinking of a general word or topic, such a room and think about things that might be there, feelings, etc .; and the next step was to think the opponents of this words, for example a room may not have a car inside it. Next was to contrast these ideas, for example:
“I feel happy in my blue room when it’s daytime
I am afraid of the monsters in my blue room night”
Here I leave the link of this great resource:
“Riddle interactive” http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/riddle/
Also this rap Michael Rosen although it is (the contrast) only the first few seconds.
“Michael Rosen Rap” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCkM-IJew3Q
Finally, and speaking of rap, I love the idea of this teacher. Students often quickly blanked when the teachers say the word “poetry”, curious right? Maybe because the most common method that teachers use to show this type genre is not the best. In this video you can find a new motivation for our students, many of us love music but in particular there is a genre that uses quite rhyme … rap, and I think it can be a great motivator, and something very close to our future students. Hope you like it!
“Rap Introduction to Poetry (Primary School Teaching – Year 6/7 Class)” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8lb_sdwenw

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