Let’s work on tales and poetry!

Hello everyone,

A few days ago, Raquel, our literature teacher made us think about how working poetry and tales with children. Moreover, she made us see some resources to take them as an example and how to create our own personalized writing works.

For these reasons, as we saw many resources to work with poetry I want you to try two examples of web pages that deal with tales and poems and help students to create them by following some specific steps:

– To begin with, I found the website “story jumper” in which you are provided by different options to create your own story book but also in here you have the opportunity to publish it when it is completed and to read other participant’s books.

In these one you are able to write whatever story or poem in a free way by being helped by the props it is offered to you. You can include your own photos, different scenes and a beautiful hardcover and if you like the result of your story you can print it as well.

Finally, if you published your book, people are able to read it, comment it and to vote it, so this one could be chosen as the best one in the library.

story jumperr

– The next webpage is called “story bird”. This one is also based on creating tales and poems books but it is basically focused on work in classrooms. This means that teachers would create an account and add the students are going to participate in order to make a “classroom net library”. In this you have to tap the year you are going to work with, the language and the country, so it fits to the class is going to use it.This webpage provides students an amount of images firstly. These ones can be infant images such as heroes, princesses, animals… Then, you have to select the kind of writing you want to work on, so you can choose among Long form books, which has multiple chapters; Picture book, which involves only one chapter but with several pages; and Poems, which is composed by only one page.

Finally, you can save your storybooks and poems and to share them with classmates.



I hope you to try them and to comment if you like them or not. In my opinion, I consider that we can use them if we want to work on literacy in class. Although they don’t provide us with too much language scaffolding, they encourage children to create their own works and are useful for us to manage this “difficult” but amazing topic.

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