Aladdin’s World

This topic it is going to be very available and interesting for the children, because taking into account my own experience, this film was one of my favorite films of my infant period. And at the same time, for the children of nowadays it is going to be useful too.
There are a lot of aspects that are possible to work with this movie in each concrete scene. The more relevant aspects to work with are the food in the scene of the market, the culture fact that present during the whole movie, the different habitats but in the movie is only the dessert reflected, and a lot of topics more.
Another important aspect to work with the movie it is the creativity of the children. This creativity it going to be encourage in a considerably way because in the movie there is always happening unusual things related with magic aspects such as the flying carpet, the apparition of the genius…
There are moral messages in the movie too, and this reality will make children to see the life in a better way, taking into account and developing this moral. One important moral of the movie is not to judge people before know them. This moral in the film is reflected during the whole movie because at the beginning Aladdin is a thief, and as we know, all the thieves are bad people, but in this case, Aladdin change until the end of the movie, turning into a good Prince, instead a bad thief. So this type of moral is going to help children to understand the life in a better way.
In conclusion, we can say that this movie it is going to be very productive for the mental formation of the children, and at the same time, the pupils are going to enjoy the movie. Another conclusion is that for our work as teacher, this movie it is going to help us to develop our teaching in a better way, and consequently, the children are going to have a better learning process helped by the film
Finally I want to encourage teachers to use the film in class, as the better way that they could can. If you as a teacher use this movie you’re going to have nice results on the learning of the children.
So, we should watch the film to learn too much about the life!

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