Reading Map

Hello Everyone! I want to say that i enjoy very much this activity, because it is composed by a lot of things such as coloring or interaction with each others. I want to mention that children enjoy this activity and at the same time it is going to increase a lot their creativity, but however for us, this activity helps everybody to know more things about the life of our partners.

On the other hand, the interaction with each other it is going to develop our second language while we speak with the partner answering and asking the questions purposed in the picture of the ”hand of questions”. This picture will going ensure that every questions raised in the class before, are going to be asked by the students. The way of make the interview taking out middle of the class, and lending the rest ones choosing a picture of the ones that were out, is good, because you’re going to avoid the typical pairs of children in class, and with this we are going to guess a full interaction with different ones apart from their normal friends.

The setting and the proposal of showing the pictures as we were in a museum it’s funny and you can observe more in depth the ones that you like more. The pictures could be shown through presentations, but I prefer this way because it motivate us to examine all the pictures with the same interest.

The idea of the reinforcements it’s good for us but not neccesary, but for children, you must do it, because they need to feel considerate by the others, but in addition, I want to say that it is possible to increase the motivation of the pupils, if you purpose that the day of the museum, the class will be chose the best picture of all, so every child will make as better than they can for been the winner of the activity. And finally the teacher could give to the best picture a little present to the child for him as a new reinforcement.

In conclusion I think that this activity was successful for everyone, because everybody has been feeling comfortable during the whole activity and there wasn’t any moment in which the students were upset. So I recommend to all who reads this entrance, to use this type of activities in the class. If you use this developments you will have success.

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