Great authors

Hello readers! This is my second blogpost and I have to recognize that is actually tougher than planned to choose a great writing topic. But as I was thinking on great ideas I am going to elaborate on top notch children´s literature writers.

During this week I was investigating with my peers about what makes an author the best.  The researching led me to evaluate the greatness of many authors and its origin. However after the thorough analysis I found out that the keystone is not the greatness itself but the target group and the aim.

With the information that I have acquired during this week I have made a classification of some authors taking into account the needs of the pupils.

To start with this classification as I said in my previous post I think the best author to work on contents is Eric Carl. His works are full of curricular questions (as in the book the very hungry caterpillar) and although for me is not the most important thing he created his very own book illustrations. It brought the right balance in the book composition and extra understanding support.

Moreover to promote good behaviors in my opinion the best author is Mark Brown with the Arthur´s books. These books are full of adventures but with the strangeness that the main character story is developed in a school scenario therefore the students will easily identify themselves. I believe that in this way we can promote modelling behavior attitudes.

Otherwise to deal with phobias or fears, my chosen author is Maurice Sendak. He is the writer of “Were the wild things are” and I think this book is advisable for everybody even adults. In my opinion we can extrapolate any fear to this story in order to overcome it.

Finally to encourage the students to write and read I have chosen two authors: Julia Donaldson and Alan Alexander Milne. I have chosen Julia Donaldson due to her book “The gruffalo”. This book is full of creativity and it explains how we can create real things using our imagination. That is the same that happen when we write; we are creating just from our imagination.

As well A.A. Milne came to my mind because of Winnie Pooh´s stories. This author created an imaginary world for his own son so it is specially tailor made for the children´s attention. With books like this we can foment the interest of our students to read. I have realized that reading is one of the best things that we can instill in our pupils.

I hope you find useful this post.

Feel free to come back with comments and share it: sharing is loving.

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