Nowadays, the problem related to education that concern of everyone is to improve the level of English in the classrooms. There are lots of research works about the best way to teach English to our students.

Twenty years ago, we only learnt English using books and practising with some exercises filling the gaps.

Fortunately, that methodology has changed or it is changing. Have you ever heard about Jolly phonics’ method?

Jolly phonics is a fun and child centred approach to teaching literacy through synthetic phonics using actions and gestures for each of the forty two letters sounds. It is very motivating for children and teachers who can see their students achieve. The letters sound are split into seven groups according to the frequency we use them and its difficulty of learning.

letter sounds

Looking for information about Jolly phonics, I have found a lot of interesting investigations. Coral George (2012), verified that learning through Jolly phonics, students get better in one year the average level of reading and grammar compared to other students with the same age. Dr. Martynne is also agree with Coral George’s argument.

Another research work that I have found interesting is the idea of Yagüe del Real (2012), who is the headmaster of the Eurocolegio Casvi. He supports that Jolly phonics complent and improve the traditional method of learning English used during this decades. He believes that this approach helps to solve some common mistakes in pronunciation or fluency that spanish people have when they are adquiring the foreign language.

Related with the methodology and schedule the seven groups are divided into two groups: the first five are recommended for the first grade meanwhile the last two and the tricky words for the second grade.

According to these research lines and based on my opinion I found this purpose quite interesting,

but what do you think? Do you think that this division is the correct one? Would you do it in a different way?

Maybe, would it be better to teach all the sounds in the first grade and review them in the second grade? Do you think that Jolly phonics can be used in the other grades?

because it has a lot of advantages like the motivational part for our students due to their improvement their pronunciation and their reading. But i also found some disadvantages like the time that we have to spend to learn each sound and the level of each student.

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