Don’t forget the enthusiasm!!

Hi everyone!!

Welcome again. For this post I am going to talk about the last medium gorup class in which we were working with “Special poems”. First of all, I want to say that this activity was very useful for me thinking in the future, and I am sure that i will use it.

It was Monday, the first hour and usually everybody use to be tired. But, this class was different. First we have to choose one video and make an activity with a Bidi Code for the rest of the people of the University. This part was really funny because we can see the videos that our partners did the last day. It was very curious how with a same poem or rhyme each group decide to do in a different way. That is the power of the mind and the imagination. The second part, it was the part that I liked a lot and I will use in the future with my students. Why? Because in my opinion, poems are a forgotten part of literature. Maybe children relate poems with some books that they have to read compulsory or some definitions related with poetry such as: rhyme, meter, etc…

But, why not change this way to work with poems? Why not use other types of resources to motivate students and make more catchier for them? For to do this, I consider very useful work with poems in a special way, poems with different shapes depending on its topic. It could be a great idea because not only work with poems but also with the developing of the creativity, creativity that in many cases teachers forgot with their students and I consider one of the most important part in each student. With this kind of poems, in Spanish called “caligramas”, children can feel more motivated because they can create their own poems. Related with this and with our future students, it could be great to make a competition of Poems with shapes in which all students can be participate individually or maybe as a group to encourage the team work. This kind of activities that we have been doing during this term, are some examples of things that we can do to change the teaching style which we want to criticise when we are students and we forgot it when we are teachers.

Rememeber, your imagination and your creativity not have to have limits. You always have to develop the creativity and the enthusiasm in all the classes you are.

One thought on “Don’t forget the enthusiasm!!

  1. First of all Luis I would like to tell you that I completely agree with you Luis, for me the imagination and creativity are also important things to take into account when we work with children; this is because they are a very good fountain of this two resources and we have to make them discover it or work on it.

    Furthermore I liked also the activity we did in class of seeing our mates work and thinking on other possibilities to make a second activity because with it people that we don´t know they will create fantastic things apart from the ones we created and I’m sure we will see very good creations and very good poems.

    Finally I would like to talk about the fact you tell of creating poems with images; I think this is a very good resource and if we presented in this way to our students they will love the idea of Rhyming and creating poems because they will represent the entire poem with the shape of the things they are describing and talking about. I would include as another activity to approach poems to our future students the previous class in which we were creating poems with different websites; I don´t know what’s your opinion about this but I would never imagine that creating a poem will be so funny and easy like in the way we see it by combining a couple of words and then the websites creates a perfect poem.

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