Little Reader María!

This post is rather to thank all my mates for the post-it that they left me in the activity of “Reading Map”.
I must say that at first, when our teacher Rachel, proposed us this activity the only thing that appeared in my mind was a question. How am I going to put all my books (and deciding between them) in measurements of a sheet? (My face was horror) But then when I get home and watched my books, everything took shape to this result (which you have already seen)

For all those with whom I could not speak I represented little María (bottom left) in front to a hillside with some slope, this was because when I was small (and though you may not believe) I did not like to read and I looked like a boring and impossible activity, just read a few books or comics (I love Mafalda) which are represented by my side.
But then (and as you watch the highlights) are the books “Finis Mundi” by Laura Gallego and “Molly Moon” by Georgia Byng. Both books were recommended to me, the first by my teacher in 6th grade; the second by my cousin when I was in 5th grade.

Both pleasantly surprised me since the first book approached me a story of mystery, adventure and yes … a little fantasy! (One of my favorite genres), and the second fascinated me with a story where I always imagined having the power of the main character … how I would have liked to!
The following books are the ones that made the difference. “The Thief Lord” by Cornelia Funke  reminded me of the story of “Peter Pan” (one of my favorite stories) and took me to one of my favorite cities, Venice. The other book “Greek Mythology” was a gift from my grandfather for the “Día del Libro”. He knew that I like mythology (at that time I liked the Egyptian mythology) but he decided that since our culture has a lot of Greek influence I should  read something of that culture, and you cannot imagine how successful that was, from then on, whenever I do not have any book to read, I read these little stories which bring me to the “Old Gods”.

From this moment, as I wanted to represent with the other a little older María climbing the slope on a mechanical escalator, reading for me was much easier.
Finally, I represent “the present”; and I think you can call me “Big Bookworm” I do not mind the book, the gender (unless detectives and fear), the time in which it was written or even the size; I read everything and I feel each book is special, leave something on you (this idea is the reflection of all quotes from many books that are written on the hillside), and for that reason most of my books are represented on the shelves.
Many of you are surprised by the originality, and of course, has an explanation because for me reading is very, very important in my life (I cannot go to sleep without reading at least one chapter) It could not be represented in another way ! I am glad to hear that many of you have been inspired with this Reading Map … and I hope you do see that reading it is not so bad!

3 thoughts on “Little Reader María!

  1. Hi Maria! I enjoyed this class too because as we said in class I felt free to see, choose and comment the drawings, I could see another points of view, and I could see similar things that happens to me when I was a child, the same books that gave a mark on me and curiosities about my mates.
    I have to say that I like your reading map a lot, because I think it was really funny (your picture when you were little) and the detail of can moving the photo as you were upping stairs!
    I really happy reading this post because I couldn’t have the chance of listening to you when you explained things about your reading map and it’s pleasant to know a little bit more now, I have to say that I really really love Laura Gallego, one of my favorites book is called “Memorias de Idhún” are three big book, very big ones, but are enjoyable since the first page to the last one! So I recommend you read them. Another book that you talk about is molly moon, great ones too.

    • Thank you very much Sara! I am glad that this post will have solved a little the mystery lol.

      Yes I was surprised too much when watching other reading maps, seeing many of our classmates had read books which I have read and as you say many of them remembering.

      Yes, I also love Laura Gallego and everyone recommended me “Memorias de Idhún” (but I confess one thing … I have not read them!) So, it’s time to read them, do not you think so?

      • I really think so…but…are you going to have time to do it? haha is the big problem now…I would want to read “the hungry games”…but i think that it’s impossible!
        good luck!

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