Comentarios en: be, or not to be, that’s the question Otro sitio realizado con WordPress Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:24:59 +0000 hourly 1 Por: Raquel Fernández Fernández Sun, 30 Nov 2014 20:30:56 +0000 Good post, Sara. As you see I’m not the only crazy teacher using drama in her lessons ;) I know that performing a role in a theatre play may be stressful for children, that’s why using readers theatre gives us the chance to do it little by little.

Por: alicia.lopez Sun, 30 Nov 2014 17:57:48 +0000 Hello Sara and congrats for your new post!
You showed us really important reflections and thoughts thanks to this writing. I totally agree with you, in the fact that lessons of this subject are so useful for us, especially this one that you have described.
The benefits that this kind of activities provide to children are countless. I would add to the ones that you distinguished, the possibility that students have to acquire new contents of any subject while they are practicing a funny task.
I love the contribution that the teacher Luis Montiel did in relation with this topic. Concretely, I consider totally significant the idea of doing this kind of activities (in this case theatre) not for the final result, but for students train themselves, and to increase their self-esteem. From my point of view, this is what really matters in education.
In relation with your ending questions, activities such as scripts, like everything in life, are fantastic if they are well proportioned, they help us to make learning varied and meaningful. The bigger our set of activities is, the more successful learning can be.
It is amazing the way you remember your childhood, in the school, this can be a sample of the importance that motivating activities have for children.
