Comentarios en: Is “Nicolás has two dads” inappropriate? Otro sitio realizado con WordPress Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:24:59 +0000 hourly 1 Por: alicia.lopez Sun, 16 Nov 2014 10:42:32 +0000 Hi Krzysztof! Congrats for your post, from my point of view, the ideas that you shared with us are really interesting.
It is quite easy to appreciate that over the past twenty years our society has changed a lot. More in detail, and as a consequence of this variation, also families have diversified, that is, their structures have varied. Nowadays, there are lot of different families. Because of that, as teachers, we cannot just bear in mind traditional families (those ones composed by a father, a mother and kids) . Surely, our future students will belong to many different families, and they need to feel identified with the examples that the school teach to them and also to understand that there are not just one right option. In order to teach values such as diversity and respect to each other, features like these ones can be decisive.
Literature can be a great tool to carry on these kind of aims. However, as you showed us, although there are lot of books that deals with this concrete topic, some of them have a really poor literature component. I do not think that children will learn of situations so neutral and idealistic that “Nicolás has two dads!” describes.
In our subject, we have known English literature authors such as Marc Brown (Azu, Rocío and Cristina presented him) that also deals with this theme but in a realistic and empathic way. Besides, he presents a high level of literature in their works. An example is “Dinosaurs Divorce (a guide for changing families)”, where the author tries to take into account the most important consequences of this familiar aspect, in order to help children in this crucial point of their life.
Definitively, the propose of all of these books is fantastic, but the way some of them transmit contents should change completely.
