Comentarios en: Fairytales and health Otro sitio realizado con WordPress Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:24:59 +0000 hourly 1 Por: Loli Casco Fri, 14 Nov 2014 18:30:30 +0000 Hi Lourdes,
It’s a pleasure having you among my readers, so thanks for taking your time and commenting on this post. I would like to begin answering your last question. In my opinion, there is a great deal of our personality in what we write, and at least for me, it works as an escape valve and has a healing effect on my mood.

Therefore, I would say that there are tales (on its broadest sense), with characters (first person, third person) that could eventually help both the writer and the reader. It’s a matter of connection. As I wrote in my post, if you connect with the character (empathise with it), you will go on the same path it’s covering, and suffer or enjoy at the same time that it’s doing it.

I partially disagree when you say that “the emotional part of ourselves is never worked on at school”. Although it is quite common, I understand that every time the teachers speak to their pupils, they are transmitting information about what is considered correct, and it includes dealing with feelings. Sadly, most of the times, the message says loudly Ignore them!, but there are teachers out there that are not afraid of being educators at all costs, and approach the pupils without a shield.

Fortunately, emotional education is being taken into account more and more nowadays. I would suggest you to read (if you haven’t already done it!) Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence. It offers an overview of what has been historically ignored, and some ideas that could be applied to teaching.

Once again, thanks for commenting ;)

Por: lourdesdiaz90 Tue, 11 Nov 2014 22:32:34 +0000 Hi Loli,

First of all, thank you for sharing your opinion with us. I really enjoyed reading your post as I agreed with everything you wrote.

I was thinking about some of the ideas that you commented on and I have never thought about the empathy as a healthy aspect to work on through fairy tales. As primary teachers, we should make sure that we transmit the right values to our students.
I noticed that the emotional part of ourselves is never worked on at school. No one teaches us how to control our emotions and what to do when we just want to shout or do something bad because is what we mentally want to do. Perhaps introducing this into a school curricular could have great benefit to each student. I think that with Fairy Tales we can engage students to control themselves when they misbehave. We can also consider stories that benefit the child´s state of mind.

I wonder if any tale has been written that has a character that helps his or herself or another character that controls the reactions and personal emotions of people. I think I am going to have a little butchers´ for that now.

Great post,

